About changing Axis:

The sources sits in /usr/bin/axis and /usr/share/axis/tcl/axis.tcl with
images in /usr/share/axis/images.
I created a copy called axis_w in /usr/bin and a copy called axis_w.tcl in
/usr/share/axis/tcl and modified both these files, also the images in
../images, ie copied tool_run.gif to tool_run_w.gif.

Other changes:  
1. in .ini file DISPLAY variable now becomes axis_w instead of axis.
2. in axis_w the reference to axis.tcl is changed to axis_w.tcl
3. in axis_w.tcl the reference to images are changed, ie, tool_estop.gif to
tool_estop_w.gif, etc.

The last changes are only required if you change the images - I scaled them
up from 24x24 pixels to 32x32 using GIMP. After a lot of up-sizing of
parameters in axis and axis.tcl I now have a AXIS-GUI that is enlarged in
all respects and can be used on a touch screen. 

In this way the original AXIS remains untouched and when you update EMC2
from time to time you do not over-write your own mods.

I am not quite finished yet, but it works well on a high res screen.

Rudy du Preez 

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