On 3/5/2011 12:54 PM, Jon Elson wrote:
>>> Unforch, I do not have the building nor the foundation to support that
>>> cinci Stuart has.  Is that truly big enough Stuart?
>> I really can't believe you asked Stuart that question, Gene...  ;-)
> Next to the Cincinnatti 5-axis mill, he has a Giddings&  Lewis
> horizontal mill that is FAR bigger, at least in exterior dimensions.  It
> seemed like it took half an hour to just walk around from the back to
> the front of
> the machine, and stands at least 30 feet tall.  (It is listen on their
> web page as only 100" of X travel, but that seems WAY too short.)  On
> the other side of the shop he has the Viper, a gantry
> mill that is even bigger, 200" X travel.
> Jon

You guys.  Stop please!  You're making me feel so inadequate...  ;-)


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