On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Alan Battersby
<alan.batter...@ntlworld.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I understand that I can add an M6 code at some point in my gcode program
> to manually change a tool. But I want to be able to temporarily stop the
> program when necessary in order to sharpen a cutter. Obviously you
> cannot cater for that with an M6 code. Is there some way I can set up an
> input (button, keyboard key) such that when pressed the program is
> forced into a tool change so I can resharpen my cutter? Sorry if this is
> a simple question but this is the first time I have applications running
> for such a long time that I need to sharpen the cutter part way through.
> Any help appreciated.
> Alan

M1 is an optional program stop that would wait until you told the
program to continue.


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