On 1/15/2012 4:31 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> It may, when I'm awake for the day, turn out to have been the clue to 
> find it, so don't beat yourself up about it. I find I get lost in the 
> information overload and my eyes glaze over about the time I made the 
> last link. Getting a fresh start on something like this the next day 
> still seems to help. Cheers, Gene 

I remember when Java first burst onto the stage. It was widely trumpeted 
as the "write once, run anywhere" language. Later on, its detractors 
began calling it the "write once, pray everywhere" language. The 
features built into it to ensure secure behavior in distributed 
environments create the "jar'ring" experience you are having.

Hope your problem resolves itself soon.


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