On 3/17/2012 12:52 PM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> 2012/3/17 Viesturs Lācis<viesturs.la...@gmail.com>:
>> I will report back about my success.
> So I uninstalled the buildbot version, got the source code and in
> terminal executed:
> sudo apt-get build-dep emc2
> ./autogen.sh
> ./configure
> The ./configure script terminates with this error message (I copied
> all the lines from the first mention of python):
> ...
> checking for Python support... yes
> checking python version... OK
> checking version of python libraries... python2.6
> checking match between tk and Tkinter versions... 8.5
> checking location of Python header files... /usr/include/python2.6
> checking for Python headers... -I/usr/include/python2.6
> checking for Python libraries... -lpthread -ldl  -lutil
> checking whether the Boost::Python headers are available... no
> configure: error: boost::python is required to build LinuxCNC
> What else am I missing?
> Viesturs
You're missing at least the Boost.Python libraries for C++ (gcc). Dunno 
what else you're missing since I don't know what you have on your 
machine. ;-)


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