2012/3/31 Alwyn McLeod <mcleod.al...@gmail.com>:
> When I run the latency test, I get Base thread jitter of 932659. In the
> config file the max. is set at 50,000.

What You set in INI file is the length of the particular thread. I
guess that length of base thread is set at 50'000 ns and length of
servo thread is 1'000'000 ns.

You do not set a jitter value anywhere. And 932'659 ns delay in a
50'000 thread means that interrupt was almost 19 consecutive thread
periods. The only way I know, how such numbers can be obtained, is
running LinuxCNC and Ubuntu in a virtual machine. I have never heard
of anything close to this, when LinuxCNC is ran in "normal" way.

I think You should share some information, what hardware do You have,
which version of LinuxCNC on which version of Ubuntu do You use and
probably paste Your config and preferably paste the screenshot with
the latency test results (let latency test run for some 30 min, try to
load the pc in a meantime by pressing alt+f2 and typing 'glxgears' and
hitting 'enter', open firefox, browse some web page, if You have
access, move that firefox window across the screen, copy some files,
do whatever else You can think of to load the pc) in picpaste.com or
similar place.


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