On 4/9/2012 8:42 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> On Monday, April 09, 2012 08:26:54 AM Mark Wendt did opine:
>> Ebay auction # 150730262099
>> Mark
> Now that is kewl!  I'll likely catch hell from the missus for buying
> another toy, but my well grounded dual trace blew a bunch of stuff besides
> the fuse in the circuit I tried to hook a grounded probe to yesterday.
> This is a little short on bandwidth at 1mspl/12 bit, but its free floating
> and wouldn't have damaged anything when I hooked up its ground lead to the
> circuit.
> But that is a kit!  And I am not well equipt to handle surface mount stuff.


I think you may be reading "kit" in the sense of Heathkit, Eico, Knight, 
etc., where you could spend a weekend just shaking out the bags of 
electronic parts.

I suspect the lister just meant the package to be bid on includes 
several items. According to the eBay listing, the package includes 1 
oscilloscope, 1 battery, 1 probe, and 1 USB cable.

You can always send a query to brainytrade via the eBay listing to be sure.

I confess this is cheap enough and sexy enough technically to give me an 
itch too but I just hit up eBay for some other items. Hmmmm...


> Has anyone bought one? And can further describe what you have to do to
> actually put it to work other than downloading the firmware and putting it
> on the SD card it apparently runs from?
> Cheers, Gene

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