On 4/10/2012 2:59 AM, Peter Blodow wrote:
> Kent,
> apparently you didn't get me quite right as I saw already from the
> thread name you changed. Caring for the docs in German is undoubtedly an
> important challenge, but in he first place I was talking about the words
> that are appearing on the screen in the application windows themselves
> when running the program. Trying with stepconfig, it occurred to me that
> these haven't changed from 2.4 to 2.5. I chose German as overall Ubuntu
> language, which seems not so waterproof with mixed language, and then
> put semi-German stepconfig on top to mix it more. So what I need is a
> way to access the program files and their wording.  We can talk about
> documentation later anyway.
> Best regards
> Peter
Sorry, Peter. I guess that was just wishful thinking on my part since i 
had spent time comparing the various language-version doc files when I 
was trying to help John Thornton proofread the docs.

I have no personal experience with the language files for the running 
software but look in the src/po subdirectory, in your case, for the 
de.po file. Check the README file and then ask questions of the developers.


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