On 4/10/2012 9:35 PM, Dave wrote:
> On 4/10/2012 5:52 PM, Kent A. Reed wrote:
>> Kirk Wallace<kwallace@...>   writes:
>>> <...>
>>> Dan from the DIY-CNC list has loaned a G540 to me (it might be here
>>> Wed.). I plan to investigate this pull-up issue and document it, maybe
>>> on the wiki. One of my hopes is to come up with a "just works" type of
>>> solution. Many of us on this list understand electronics and software
>>> enough to not think twice about adding a resistor here, or a bit check
>>> there, but in the real world of CNC, many people don't want to or can't
>>> get that deeply into the machine's workings. They just want something
>>> they can buy and it just works. LinuxCNC might become more popular if it
>>> had more "just works".
>>> <...>
>> [Sorry if this message gets duplicated. I'm still having trouble 
>> straightening
>> out my SourceForge connection.]
>> Just for grins, has anyone thought to ask Mariss, for example via the 
>> GeckoDrive
>> Yahoo Group? It's been some years, but the last time I asked him a question
>> about some formulas that appear in documentation on the GeckoDrive website, 
>> he
>> replied promptly.
>> Regards,
>> Kent
> We could, but I think we have it narrowed down to the LPT port not going
> into EPP mode properly on certain hardware.   Jon thinks this is the old
> Bios issue and I suspect that he is correct.
> Dave
Most likely this is correct, Dave, but it sure looks like Kirk is 
proposing to experiment on the drive to determine its characteristics. 
Were I to try this, my wife would give me a squinty-eyed look, possibly 
snort (although she usually saves this for more "important" situations), 
and mutter about how men never ask for directions:-)

Just my 2 cents worth.


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