On 4/11/2012 12:00 PM, Roger Holmquist wrote:
> Done some more jobs on the CNC-Lathe.
> - Installed LinuxCNC2 on my mac by VirtualBox.
> - Found http://IGSViewer.com for  plotting and study 3d-part-files in 
> IGES-format, in wireframe and solid modes, great SW!
> - Lathe broken, Main spindle not running, scematics at site...
> - Yes, some CAM SW would be fine to have, putting AutoCAD drawings in and 
> G-code out...
> BTW, converting iges-files to AutoCAD seem to be a project of it's own if you 
> don't want to pay $$$ for untested SW...

Does it have to be AutoCAD, Roger? I don't know what your full toolchain 
is or what is done in each step, but there are other CAD packages with 
IGES-import functionality. In the open-source arena, the core Open 
Cascade project includes competent IGES and STEP translators and is the 
foundation of other CAD and CAM developments, some very active, some not 
so much.

> As usual, details in, http://abcnc.se/projects/storebro260.html last report 
> damaged by MS Word, take care...
> / Roger

Thanks for the update. It's always interesting to see what others are doing.


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