My base thread is 20000 ns (50 khz) and my servo thread is 1000000 ns.  I
am running the update-counters in the base thread.  I was thinking that
should limit my sampling noise to ~2% but instead it is ~20%.  I don't
think I'm getting bounce errors as the parallel port pins in halscope show
regular pulses as I would expect.  To understand this issue better, I've
set up the following standalone hal configuration:

loadrt threads name1=base-thread period1=20000 name2=servo-thread
loadrt probe_parport
loadrt hal_parport cfg="0x378 out  "
setp parport.0.reset-time 5000
addf base-thread
addf parport.0.write base-thread
addf parport.0.reset base-thread

loadrt encoder num_chan=1
loadrt lowpass
setp encoder.0.counter-mode true
net encoder-0-phase-A encoder.0.phase-A <=
setp encoder.0.position-scale 1.0
addf lowpass.0 servo-thread
setp lowpass.0.gain 0.001
net lowpass-0-in <= encoder.0.velocity
net temp-0-in-filtered <= lowpass.0.out
addf encoder.update-counters base-thread
addf encoder.capture-position servo-thread

that I kick off like so:

halrun -U
sudo /etc/init.d/realtime restart
halcmd -f thermal-input.hal
halmeter &

and added some logging to the encoder.c component and installed it via:

sudo comp --install encoder.c

and then I see the my additional error-level logging in /var/log/messages

As an aside, I was astounded how easy it is to develop (or at least modify
and debug existing) c-level components.  Great job to all who have made
that system what it is.  I thought it might take me days to get a
re-compiled encoder.c component working and was pleased to find it was
actually only minutes.

Doing that showed me that although the base thread runs were sufficient in
number and capturing the transitions properly, there actually was variance
between the between-rising-edge times it was catching, ranging in a short
sample from 817us to 1173us for what should be a fairly steady 1khz/1000us
signal.  Modifying the encoder component to have it log a count of update
runs between pulses shows anywhere from 40 to 60 runs between a rising edge
detection, but always averaging right at 50 and typically subsequent
intervals compensating for the previous intervals in terms of overall time.
 For instance, an interval with 45 base thread runs between a rising edge
detected would be followed by an interval with 55 base thread runs.

This is leading me to wonder about timing in the parport driver.  I see
there is a reset function for pushing values faster, but it seems like that
is for output.  Is anyone aware of how input data propagates through the
parport driver and if there are opportunities for delay?

Thanks much,

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