On 8/4/2012 12:39 PM, emc-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Dave<e...@dc9.tzo.com>
> Mach3 has some huge issues to overcome - if it is even possible.   The
> software is stagnant and has been for years.
> Typical situation:  A user upgrades to the newest version of Mach3 and
> has a problem, states the problem on the email list and gets no
> response.  Problems are not fixed and the users appear to be apathetic
> about supplying
> assistance since there is oftentimes no fix available anyway.

Dave, you just wont let it go will you. Mach is approaching 50,000 units 
sold. It is not slowing, rather accelerating. More than 3/4 are OEM 
sales, not hobby guys. They have work to do and dont sit around and post 
on mail lists or chat rooms. And these numbers are based on dollars 
spent, not surverys of mail lists.

> They have been working on Mach4 for a very long time (4 years??) and now
> they are clearly in a game of catchup.

Mach4, as it will ship, has only been underway since the first of this 
year, and was demoed at the CNC workshop in June. It is intended the 
first version, Mach-lite, will ship in September. I am working on the 
Newfangled wizards for it and they are nearly ready.

All work is being done with cross platform tools, and OEM versions will 
be offered on linux and Mac. That was also shown at the workshop. Next 
chance to see it will be IMTS in September.

> The Mach guys would have been better off picking one hardware board set
> and developing their Mach4 software with that board set in mind.  That
> would have alienated many of the existing hardware vendors but right now
> they have nothing new and problems are simply not being resolved.
> Unfortunate, especially if you are a hardware vendor for the Mach3
> software or if you have committed a lot of time to Mach3.

That can only be labeled bullshit. There are many hardware vendors, all 
doing quite well selling their products with Mach. Some are selling more 
in a month that messa is selling in a year. Again, they are out there 
doing business, not chatting on mail lists.

I hope this 'mine is bigger than yours' drivel has been amusing to you all.

ron ginger

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