On Nov 9, 2012 2:03 PM, "Sven Wesley" <svenne.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2012/11/9 Jason Burton <lathebuil...@gmail.com>
> > Not wireless, but check out Jog It! on kickstarter. A little over a week
> > left.
> >
> >
> Looks like a good idea. The eBay versions seems more rugged though.
> It actually started when I discussed with my vendor about my recent
> discussion (about performance) and he dropped me a mail with a wifi
> pendant. I asked if they had any API specs or documentation but
> unfortunately not. I was actually willing to spend some hours on
> programming to get it up and running under Linux, but it seems they are a
> little scared to let it go.
> A usb wireless like the eBay versions should be easier to hookup. At least
> to spy on the API... :)
> /S
> ------------------------------------

As someone who designs automation cells and tooling for robots and machine
tools easily big enough to kill you, wireless pendants would freak me out
for safety reasons.

I spec "wireless" sensors for tooling pretty regularly. That said, I only
trust them for non-safety related tasks.

Wireless is great for tasks with harmless failure modes. Pinning my arm to
a machine table or braining me with a 200 pound end of arm tool, not so
much. :)

Just food for thought.

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