I have bought a Renishaw touch-probe.

It has an inductive interface to connect to the controller, described
in patent GB2025073
It appears that an LC circuit in the probe is shorted out by the probe
contacts when there is no contact.
All fairly simple, though finding what the resonant frequency is is
probably important.

I am trying to think what might be a suitable device for the
"receiver". I guess I could wind a couple of sets of windings round a
ferrite, but there is probably something off-the-shelf that will work.

I am even pondering the idea of sensing it with a spare Resolver
output from my Mesa 7i49 card. I suspect that if I had three windings
on the ferrite, with one further away from the probe than the other
then I would see a shift in apparent resolver angle, and could use
that as my probe input.
Maybe air-core would work better?

If you can't fix it, you don't own it.

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