andy pugh wrote:
> Is there any reason LinuxCNC couldn't use tachometers and glass scales?
> If the tachos go direct to velocity-mode drives then LinuxCNC doesn't
> even need to know about them. But there is no fundamental reason why
> LinuxCNC can't run a separate velocity loop and position loop given
> accurate-enough bipolar analogue inputs. The Mesa 7i87 has 12 bits of
> resolution, I wonder if that would be enough?
Sure.  The problem with backlash/spring between the motor and linear
motion still stands.  Tachs on the motor will help stabilize the hunting

I did some tests when I made my original analog servo amps.  I wanted to
see how slow it could go before motion started to break up into stick/slip.
I got down to .01 IPM, where the tach voltage was calculated to be
7 micro-Volts!  (I couldn't measure that.)  I don't think a 12 bit ADC
could handle that.  I am using 16-bit DACs to sent the velocity command
to the servo amps.  But, the tach would need a dynamic range of nearly
1 million to one to cover the full range of velocities, not even a 16-bit
ADC would suffice.  The ADC resolution would set a minimum
velocity that would be recognized.  It would probably be better to
derive velocity from a high-resolution encoder than trying to
digitize a tach voltage.  This is what Fanuc has been doing for almost
30 years, now.



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