
   Since you just LOVE the PDP-11s, this should make your day:

On 06/24/2013 01:13 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Monday 24 June 2013 13:59:47 Stuart Stevenson did opine:
>> wonders never cease
>> I  just saw a link for a PDP-11 assembly programmer for a job to last
>> until 2050
>> seems as if anything is possible
> Even including that insanity, because based on my experience with a
> PDP-11/723, that would have to be considered insanity.  That thing was a
> crashomatic, several times an hour at the end, and since it took something
> like 15 minutes to boot because compiling the program it ran was part of
> the boot sequence, the uptime was less than 50% of the time.  DEC replaced
> everything in that machine but the frame rail with the serial number
> riveted to it and every time they touched it, they made it worse.
> My problems with that single example caused the CBS tv network to replace
> every machine at every CBS affiliate with industrial IBM's & new software,
> on their nickel.  That thing probably cost us $100k or more in lost
> commercial revenue because it had silently crashed, and a channel change
> wasn't done on time, so we were airing a dog food commercial we didn't get
> paid for in place of the toothpaste commercial we would have been paid for
> had the channel or bird switch been done on time.
> No, I do not remember the PDP-11 days fondly. :(
> Cheers, Gene

MC Cason
Associate Developer - Eagle3D, Created by Matthias Weißer

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