On 07/19/2013 06:02 PM, Tomaz T. wrote:
> Is it possible to somehow update axis.py in my installed linuxcnc (2.5.2)
> I would need to add few string related to "automatic forcing to world mode"
> If so, where can I find original axis.py file, to modify it, and how to 
> compile it (if needed)?                                       

The right way to do it is to clone the git repo at git.linuxcnc.org, 
make your changes in the git working tree, build it in the 
'run-in-place' configuration, and run from there.

If you're not familiar with git, first read the Pro Git book cover to 
cover here:  http://git-scm.com/book

Then read our instructions, such as they are, here: 

Any questions are welcome on the linuxcnc developers' mailing list, or 
in the #linuxcnc-devel irc channel.  (Instructions for accessing both 
are on the wiki.)

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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