Quoth bodge...@gmail.com.....
>On 5 September 2013 16:33, Russell Brown <russ...@lls.lls.com> wrote:
>> Is this the sort of thing that a screw compensation table is meant to
>> deal with?  If so, how do I actually measure the numbers for the table?
>Then just run up the table, G0 X10, note the reading and make a comp
>file entry of 10,9.92, and so on to the end of travel, then come back the 
>other way, filling in the third column.

OK.  If I do that, given my X backlash of 0.165mm and an assumed feed of
9.92mm for every 10mm commanded, then I end up with a table like:

  00.00 00.00 0.165   (10.085-9.92)
  10.00 09.92 10.085  (20.005-9.92)
  20.00 19.84 20.005  (29.76-9.92+my_backlash)
  30.00 29.76 

Does that look right?

Given 600mm travel on the X-axis, what table intervals make sense?

>Or have I misunderstood the question?

Well.....  You missed bits...  but it was multi-part :-) 

Were the 'errors' I showed (~.015mm over a 50mm move) in the right ball
park for a non-ball-screw benchtop mill driven by steppers?

Should I expect a commanded 50mm move to travel 0.040mm less than 50mm ?

Does the variation in actual distance moved indicate missed steps?  (the
actual move varied with different microsteppings)

Am I trying to fix something that's 'normal' ?

| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russ...@lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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