On Monday 23 September 2013 08:49:33 Mark Wendt did opine:

> On Sun, Sep 22, 2013 at 8:24 PM, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@wdtv.com> wrote:
> > >  4. An oscilloscope to see whats going on can be very enlightening.
> > > 
> > > *Don't have one.
> > 
> > Ebay.com.  I've had one of these for about 20 years.
> > 
> > <http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hitachi-V-1065A-Dual-Trace-2-Channel-100-MHz-
> > 
> > Oscilloscope-800101145-/360741833195?pt=BI_Oscilloscopes&hash=item53fd
> > e389eb
> > 
> > 
> > Its been on enough small aircraft that I've had to slip the case off &
> > tighten all the frame assembly screws, but it is still in decent
> > calibration.  No probes, but Jameco sells a good, 200 mhz rated
> > switchable 1x/10x for about a $20 bill each.  And no manual.  I don't
> > need one as I've had a scope probe in one hand since 1951, but you
> > might need some basic instruction.  There are all sorts of tektronix
> > scopes on ebay, some pretty cheap.  Run, don't walk for the nearest
> > exit, they will be out of calibration, and because of custom parts
> > values drift over anything past 5 years, and will NOT be calibratable
> > ever again.
> Nah, he needs one a these:
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/161110870354?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3
> 984.m1423.l2649

But thats a Tek, its waaaayy old, and according to the link, a box of 
parts.  He needs something that Just Works, not a service engineers worst 
nightmare before he even gets back to thinking about his problem.

I have long time experience with 2 different Hitachi scopes.  You turn them 
on, and they work.  Those Tek things were great when A, they were new, and 
B, in an R&D lab.

Tek today is a far cry from the Tek that impressed the hell out of me in 
the early 60's when they had a lifetime warranty.  But now they clean out 
the parts crib 30 milliseconds after the federally mandated 5 years support 
period has passed and beyond that 5 years there is NO support.

Heck, for this job, one of the DS-2O1's would work, but he would have a far 
harder time learning to use it with its limited controls that do everything 
depending on the mode its in, and its bandwidth is such that it would miss 
step pulses, confusing him.  He isn't familiar with a "scope" at all I 
suspect, so he needs something where every knob does exactly what you 
expect once he learns what to expect.  The phrase Just Works keeps coming 
to mind.

> Then he can start collecting all the neat plugins too.  ;-)
> Mark
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Cheers, Gene
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