We just finished our monthly IRC meeting.

Meeting agenda & vote results are included in this email, and on our
wiki here: http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?Meeting201309

Meeting log: http://meetlog.archivist.info/meeting.php?id=201309

moderator: Dave Caroline
secretary: Dave Caroline

Agenda Items

# I propose we formalize the current practice of freezing the agenda
on or around the Wednesday before the fourth Saturday; I think it is
good to avoid last-minute additions for several reasons: so people
have time to thoughtfully consider the agenda items, so they have time
to start a discussion, and so they have full knowledge allowing them
to decide whether to plan to attend. [cradek]

 Vote Yes with a reminder going out the Monday before that Wednesday
to at least the user mailing list

# I would like to propose again Michael Haberler's 'jog-while-paused'.
This is really not a nice to have but a feature that is sorely

 A long discussion on the way forward with people volunteering to do
parts of this, no need to vote.

NEXT MEETING: Saturday 2013-10-26 1600UTC

Dave Caroline (archivist)

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