Quoth Gene Heskett.....
>> However in camunits/0.0.37 tree there is a convert_crop.c that looks
>> like a likely candidate.  Is this the util you are referring to?
>PS, a make bails instantly in that camunits/0.0.37 subdir, seems that
>are include dependencies not supplied by 10.04.4 or in the tarball.
>First one is FreeImage.h, and apt can't find the package that supplies 

apt-get install libcv-dev camunits libfreeimage-dev

allows it to compile (not sure if libcv-dev is actually needed)

But quite what you do with convert_crop.so once it's copied to
/usr/lib/camunits I don't know.

| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russ...@lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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