On 11/13/2013 10:37 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> I have added /usr/lib/camunits to one of the files in
>>> /etc/ld.so.conf.d, and have verified that path is correct, but I
>>> don't seem to be able to make a "sudo ldconfig -v|less" show me that
>>> it is seeing a single one of the dozen plus .so files there.  I was
>>> under the impression all we ever had to give it was the top level of
>>> a tree it (ldconfig) was supposed to process. Perhaps I'm running it
>>> wrong?
>> Did you rebuild the cache before running ldconfig -v?
> I thought that was what did it?  Plz explain further.

Ehm, yes, but there are other options that prevent the cache from being
written to disk/being rebuilt. However, if you only use "ldconfig -v",
then it should be rebuild.

Have you checked that the .so files in question have the execute and
read bits set?

Another possibility is that the internal info of the .so does not match
the version in the name. In that case, creating the symlinks may fail
and the .so must be patched or rebuilt.

You can actually test whether the files will load at all using
LD_LIBRARY_PATH and maybe LD_PRELOAD environment variables (as long as
the executable is not suid/sgid). See also "man ld.so" for detailed info.

Greetings Bertho

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