> (a) Gremlin needs lots of CPU - I don't know whether it is screen rendering
> without the hardware accelerators that is the culprit.

Gremlin's update rate is set at 50ms which is quite high.
I once set it to 100 the plot was only a little more jerky.
(I use software rendering on my laptop.)
maybe we should make it configurable.

> (e) The GUI is surprisingly useable at very low rates of updating the
> toolpath, G code and even axis DROs. 1 second is OK. This makes significant
> average CPU savings. The this low rate is tested when running a real
> machine. The audio/visual feedback from the hardware makes the system feel
> snappy even though the screen is lagging. Tests with no machine are
> misleading.

In Gscreen you can set the update rate from the INI
100 is the default update rate

> A BBB ought to be plenty powerful enough. Perhaps the proper GPU graphics
> will fix things. It would be nice to design an experiment to dummy out the
> graphics work that could be done by hardware or to verify in some other way
> that there are not other bottlenecks.
graphics acceleration surely would help a lot.

Chris M
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