> Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:21:52 -0500
> From: smdubov...@gmail.com
> To: emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [Emc-users] PNCConf truncating metric screw pitch
> We're using Mesa 5i25+7i76s in a couple Emco stepper based machines w/
> 2.5mm pitch leadscrews.  PNCConf seems to be truncating that 2.5 back to
> 2.0 every time we revisit the step calculator page (the pop-up where you
> check off/enter the pulley info, step multiplier, etc.) that calculates the
> main steps/unit box.  It seems to get it right when you enter it as 2.5,
> but if you go back though sometime later (say to change the microstep
> multiplier), it shows 2.0 and you have to catch that and fix it every
> time.  FWIW, I'm running the latest release (2.5.3)

Thanks for the report.
Yes PNCconf doesn't keep track of the data used for calculation of each axis.
So the data from one axis calculation will be used on the next.

I am in the middle of refactoring pncconf for 2.6 and have fixed it there, due
to your bug report.
When I'm finished I will try to remember to look again at 2.5

Chris M
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