Quoth andy pugh.....
>On 11 February 2014 08:59, Russell Brown <russ...@lls.lls.com> wrote:
>> Mesa 5I25/7I76 with 12V field power and the optical switch is an Optek
>> OPB830L51
>The 7i76 has encoder connections provided on TB3.
>This assumes that you are not already using the encoder for something else.

Well.........  yes I was planning on using the encoder for something
else[1] but for now I guess I'll use it for a tacho.

>Working on 20mA for the LED and 10mA for the phototransistor

Just for my education; Did you just take one third of the 30mA for the
phototransistor?  or was there some other bit of info saying 10mA that I


TVVM as ever.

 [1] - The 'something else' is closed loops for my steppers. But I'll
       actually need three encoders for that anyway.
| Russell Brown          | MAIL: russ...@lls.com PHONE: 01780 471800 |
| Lady Lodge Systems     | WWW Work: http://www.lls.com              |
| Peterborough, England  | WWW Play: http://www.ruffle.me.uk         |

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