On 02/16/2014 01:16 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> PS, can open the .sch, but not the .brd, my free license is not enough.
> OTOH, I am getting by with what I am using ok, so its not life & death.
> I need some felt washers, about 1/8" thick uncompressed, 1/4" center holes,
> and trimmable to about .92" diameter.  Does anyone know if the washer used
> a drumkits cymbal mounting would fit the recipe?  I kow where I can source
> some of those.  I want to put them on each end of the 8mm ballnut to serve
> as debris wipers and lubricant reservoir's.  They will be heavily
> compressed as they would also amount to some rubber in the table drive if
> not really crunched.  They will be if my idea works, that of threading the
> entry to the pocket at about 27 tpi, and making a 1/8" steel disk with
> spanner holes to drive it, and the matching thread on the rim of it.
> Cheers, Gene

   I don't know your setup, but I have the freeware version as well, and 
they both opened perfectly.  I even tried the files in v6.5.0, and they 
worked.  I did rename them to get rid of the spaces, but I went back and 
tried them with space, and they worked.

cd ~/file_dir
rename 's/\ /_/' PWM-to-Analog*

   I'm using Mint 16 - Mate, that's only been mildly modified.

MC Cason
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