Am 28.02.2014 um 19:01 schrieb Viesturs Lācis <>:

> 2014-02-28 16:25 GMT+02:00 Michael Haberler <>:
>> What needs to be done, and Yishin did, is push down the syncing operation
>> from the tp into the segment execution level, so it can be handled on such
>> an 'outboard'.
> Thanks for the clarification!
> So do I understand correctly that Araisrobo implementation has motion
> controller running on 7i43 card?

Probably Yishin should answer this

it's been a while since I talked to him about this - I think he sends tp 
segments over USB, either tagged or intermixed with commands for synced motion; 
so it's really the part of the motion controller which must be RT; I think he 
also does the servo loops on the FPGA

the rest of motion remains as HAL component as before

this interface would actually be valuable to have as a documented API, because 
it would enable hooking various outboard solutions into this interface at a 
boundary which is not really RT-critical, meaning various ways of talking to 
the outboard could be used, like ethernet; as a bonus, the rest of motion could 
actually be non-RT meaning it could use networking functions in a non-RT thread 
(network I/O from an RT thread is a thorny issue, see micges work)


> Viesturs
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