My 7i76 mill is working very well.

The last setup before I put everything in its place is to get Andy Pugh's
automatic spindle software gearing to work.

I have a spindle encoder, that is not-differential, and does not have an
index. 16 pulses per rev.

I have it wired such that the 3 jumpers (W4, W5, W6) are in the left hand
position (closest to the 25 pin connector), and a wire goes to the ENCA+,
TB3, pin 7. This should put it in TTL mode, with the pulse train going to

Between pin 7 and pin 1 (gnd) when spinning the spindle manually, I get
between 0.8v and 5.65v on my digital voltmeter.

Input power, 7i76 manual, page 49, says Input Common Mode Range -7 to +12
volts. Input TTL threshold is 1.4 to 1.8v.

I HAVE NOT connected (or jumpered) any other input wires for this encoder -
they are left floating.

The encoder.00.counter-mode is set to 1
encoder.00.filter set to 1
encoder.00.index-invert set to 0, index-mask-invert to 0, latch-enable to 0
encoder.00.scale set to 16

I see nothing - no counts, no "action" on the input.

I also don't have much luck googling this stuff - maybe I need to practice

Does the above look reasonable? Should I jumper the ENCB, IDX, lines

Yours confusingly,
John A. Stewart.
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