On Thu, 27 Aug 2015, sam sokolik wrote:

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 13:26:24 -0500
From: sam sokolik <sa...@empirescreen.com>
Reply-To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)" <emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] No stepgens in 5i25

did you physically power cycle the machine?  on-off-on?


You can also run:

sudo mesaflash --device 5i25 --reload

to load the new configuration

On 8/27/2015 1:13 PM, Viesturs L??cis wrote:

I have a spare 5i25 board that finally has found a project to be used in.
I downloaded 5i25.zip file from Mesa webpage, extracted the file and
found that 5i25_g540x2 has the required pinout for the project. I
copied 5i25_g540x2.bit file to the folder, where mesaflash binary is
located. In terminal I ran these commands:
cd /home/vie/Desktop/5i25/utils/linux
./mesaflash --device 5I25 --write 5i25_g540x2.bit
./mesaflash --device 5I25 --verify 5i25_g540x2.bit
It displayed that verification was succesful.

Now I am trying to adjust hm2-stepper sample config of 5i23 board to
work with 5i25. For that I have changed the beginning of INI file to
remove the reference to firmware file, so now it looks like this:
CONFIG="num_encoders=0 num_pwmgens=0 num_stepgens=4"

The thing is that at startup LinuxCNC (version 2.6.9) complains about
any stepgen-related HAL pins. I commented _all_ of them out and then
LinuxCNC starts up and in HalShow I see that there are no stepgens
loaded. I see gpio pins, watchdog pin and 2 LED pins under hm2_5i25.

I tried old backups of configs from earlier projects that also used
5i25 boards and the result is the same

I would appreciate any suggestions, what exactly am I missing.


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