On Friday 18 September 2015 20:52:34 John Dammeyer wrote:

> This could easily degrade into a 'religious' discussion so I'll leave
> it with these points.
> Clearly I'm not in favour of web based licensing.
> If I insert  the Alibre distribution disk that came with the software
> I purchased a few years ago not surprisingly that version will no
> longer run. After all, 3D Systems bought it.  The name changed to
> Geomagic.  Licenses are no longer available.  Buy a new copy.
> The VisualCAM MecSoft plugin is being discontinued but at least the
> VisualCAM dongle will continue to work with the existing dongled
> version of the Geomagic software.  Stuck in time but at least workable
> while I have WIN-7 systems.  Until the dongle fails.
I have some lengthy and unpleasant memories of failed dongles.  We bought 
a rather expensive vlan based system from Ring Video Systems, down in 
FL. $25,000 for about $1500 in hardware, including a dongle we had to 
attach to the parport of the full box Amiga it ran on.

First dongle died in around 6 months, took some unpleasant phone calls 
both from us and a friendly attorney client of the station to convince 
them we had a fully licensed copy, so we were down and unable to edit 
commercials for about a month, costing us between 10 and 20k in 
production billings for that month.  The replacement dongle died in 
about 5 weeks.  Called them again, but the outfit had changed hands and 
they no longer had the ability to make a new dongle.  I gave them 4 days 
to produce one so they went to the old outfit and begged the last 
surviving dongle on the planet from them.

It worked for about an hour.  I called and asked for a dongle free 
version, they hemmed and hawwed for several hours, and sent me a disk, 
overnite fedexed.  But they didn't excise it well enough. So my next 
phone call told them that they were a bunch of idiots, and that I knew a 
guy in DE land who could strip it.  They said we'll sue. I said that 
sort of threats from you, given the track record will be null and void 
in court and we will sue for harrassment and loss of services costs.  
Bunch of blather & name calling.  I hung up in the middle of it and 
fixed a disk to send to DE by the fastest airmail I could round up.  2 
days later I had that disk and a new one back, gratis, and it worked 
better than it ever had before until we had worn out the editing 
machines and had bought a pallet of Panasonic DVC-PRO's.  And we were 
actually more productive with their editor accessory.  The state of the 
art had indeed moved on.  Now of course all that is done in digital on a 
hard drive or 3.

And we never heard another peep out of that bunch of lusers.

> I have a Quickbooks software package I had not yet installed and a
> year later finally decided I really should change my accounting
> system.  Guess what.  That software won't install anymore either.  Too
> old and the on line licensing has changed.  No problem.  Just buy the
> latest for $.

I presume that discovered a piece of your mind that was surplus so you 
had no problem giving it to them gratis?

> So if I sound bitter it's because the promises and testimonials of
> great support and ease of use vanish with the change in ownership or
> model of a company.  I won't be buying MACH4.  I spent a day
> re-aligning my CNC router because suddenly MACH3 and the USB SS
> decided to run the Z axis past then end of the table.  A Windows
> Reboot made the problem go away.   So now I'm looking seriously at
> LinuxCNC.
> I don't expect LinuxCNC to be any better but at least if it happens in
> 5 years the licensing model won't prevent me from fixing it.
> Five years from now MACH4 sales may be so poor that the company just
> vanishes or is bought by a single supplier who drives it in a
> different direction.
> John

War stories, John.

> > yes, The license is tied to a PC, but a hobby user is allowed up to
> > 5 licenses per  year. If your machine croaks you use the web site to
> > issue a new license and the automated system mails it to you in
> > minutes. There is no wait for a person to respond. As long as you
> > are under 5 licenses its quick and easy.
> >
> > ron ginger
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