On 12/26/2015 06:10 AM, Greg Bentzinger wrote:
> I was always told "Never rectify straight from AC mains without an
> isolation transformer." Bad Karma - Bad Ju ju - will come back to
> bite you.

I tend to agree that you normally want to use a transformer. However, a
2kVA transformer is expensive, heavy and large. From there on it just
gets worse, both in size, money and weight.

Modern switch-mode converters are slightly better, but they also are
rather expensive for the high load and/or high voltage versions.

Once you go over the 1...2kVA range it is often better (very much
cheaper) just to leave the transformer and make very sure that your
isolation and earthing is setup correctly(*).

F.ex. I use a 230V/230V isolation transformer at work rated at 1.6kVA.
It weighs in at 36kg and cost about $1200,- (ex VAT).

(*) and for DC generation without a transformer you should make sure to
have bleeder resistors over the capacitors too.

Greetings Bertho

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