I hadn't seen this mentioned on the list, but maybe I missed it, or I 
read it and my old brain forgot.

I had a few old used PCs that I purchased for LinuxCNC 2.5.x.  I ran the 
latency test before buying them and the results were fairly good.  Then 
I decided to standardize on Atom motherboards for all of my little CNC 
projects.  I donated a PC to a friend, he installed LinuxCNC 2.7 from 
the latest LiveCD and had horrible latency issues.  I made a LinuxCNC 
house call and saw maximum jitter greater than 500,000 ns.  We did the 
updates to everything and the jitter dropped to around 12,000 ns, a 
little better than I originally saw with LinuxCNC 2.5.x.  His little 
C-Beam Machine desktop router is now humming along nicely (and noisily).

I'm a little interested in why the latency was so bad before updating, 
but mostly I posted this so people would know to run the updates before 
doing the latency test, and would realize that running the latency test 
from the live version running off a USB drive wouldn't be a proper test 
of whether a PC is a good candidate for LinuxCNC.

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