I,m actually working on a unit to do exactly that Gene. 

Along with tool breakage sense 
Which is tending to be the pain, so I might make 2 units 



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On 19 Oct 2016, 11:13, at 11:13, Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
>On Wednesday 19 October 2016 01:01:18 Danny Miller wrote:
>> A friend showed me this today, not powered up yet:
>> At first I was confused, it says it's a stepper, but with an encoder,
>> and lowers or disables drive current when not needed.  Or you can
>> freewheel it and it'll maintain the coordinate system.  It cannot
>> stall without the system knowing, and a stall won't corrupt the
>> coordinate system.
>> But there's no mechanical connection to the motor, it's this new
>> AS5047D high speed, high resolution magnetic rotary position sensor:
>> You glue a magnet to the rear of the motor shaft, and keep the sensor
>> like 1/4" away.  Note it not only counts delta, it knows absolute
>> rotor position.
>> Gives 2000 counts/rev.  That's enough that it could effectively show
>> rotor phase through a single fullstep, which would allow for more
>> stable electrical control of stepping.  There's an initial
>> phase that drives a phase so it knows where the TDC of Coil A is in
>> absolute position.
>> They set it up so it powers down and freewheels, except it will hold
>> its position by powering coils when needed.  It can also reduce
>> current to product only the torque needed to follow the step
>> instead of always operating at full current.
>> Well, my mind is blown!
>> Danny
>That does indeed sound very handy for stepper users. But the sensor 
>magnet I do not envision as being on the motor, but on the ends of the 
>screws driving the machine. That will give 16,383 discrete positions of
>the screw per revolution of the screw, irrespective of any stepdowns 
>from belt drives etc between the motor and the screw. I did not see a 
>price for the completed board and magnet, just for the AMS device. 
>did find it on the pre-order button, $47 a copy for version 0.1.
>Did anyone else? If not too outrageous, I might be interested in a pair
>of them to put on this Sheldon conversion as a test bed. But I'll do
>conventional way first & see where it falls over.
>What I would really like to see would be a light beam that a tool could
>be advanced into in order to both adjust the tool tip height, and set 
>the tools zero radius offset. Something whose shadow could be detected 
>by a 4 cell photodetector in the tailstock socket.  Or even a low res 
>cmos imager would suffice for the detector.  Almost anything to get us 
>into the +- .005" range for a first pass calibration cut.
>Comments? Gotchas?
>Cheers, Gene Heskett
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