On 08.11.16 10:52, Gene Heskett wrote:
> This has been a std denial for 3 or 4 years. Its not possible for another 
> user to use YOUR x screen.  Security thing I guess. There used to be a 
> work-a-round, but I used it so rarely I've now forgotten it (oldtimers), 
> and so has everyone else, if it still works, its wearing a top secret 
> label.

If it's just on the Rpi, then an "xhost +" opens that door, at the cost
of security. If it's when a remote host attempts to display on the Rpi,
and "xhost +my_other_host" isn't enough, then commenting out the line
containing "/usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp" in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc should
do the trick. (I saw oldtimers coming, and made notes.)

> Having had to re-install, losing everything unless the re-install was
> on a new disk, saving the old one, 3 times now after aptitude screwed
> the pooch and destroyed my system, the chances of me running that on
> the r-pi are somewhere between point triple ought excrement and none.

I'm not certain that it's safe to mix running apt-get and aptitude.
(Never been game to try it to find out.) So I never run aptitude, and
I've never had it all turned to goulash. (Who says pessimism isn't a
survival attribute?)


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