On 01/02/2017 12:38 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Bring up power to the motor supplies and its injecting enough noise on 
> the SPI bus that it all goes in the crapper. Once I stopped everything 
> but lcnc, and was walking around the tail end of it to see what I could 
> see on the scope, this after putting an isolator plug under the scope, 
> and z took off and ran about 2" all by itself. There is not currently a 
> connection from house static except that which it gets from the 254 volt 
> hubble socket. Hooking that up seems to make it worse, confirming the 
> ground loop theory.

I'm a bit guessing here (swimming without schematics), just thinking out

Are the PSUs you are using in a metal chassis? Is that chassis maybe
connected to its GND output terminal (and then GND shorted through
mounting, maybe AC-coupled)?

Or, do you have a grounding earth connection that could span power
supplies through the GND (that could also be AC-coupled)?

Greetings Bertho

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