Gene, remember that the serial ports were used up to 115 KBaud in 
professional applications.

Am 18.02.2017 12:44, schrieb Gene Heskett:
> On Saturday 18 February 2017 05:44:03 Sven Wesley wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Long time no see, been busy working. :)
>> I bought a CNC engraver, really high quality but it has an old Dos(!)
>> PC. Here comes a retrofit!
>> The 60 000 RPM VFD is well documented, the drivers are not. The PC
>> port looks like a parallel port but is labelled 'com 2'. I guess the
>> drivers are step/dir. Anyone with a nice idea how to figure it out?
>> I will try to see if the factory have any manuals left.
> That might be your best bet. A closeup pix of one of the motors,
> including the label might help someone to recognized them. The one I can
> see most of in this pix sure looks a lot like a servo to me.  Too long
> for most steppers.  The driver box may be quite a complex construction
> in that event.  Com 2 may well be an rs232, the original specs did use a
> db-25 connector. You may have to put a scope on it to measure the bit
> time to determine the baud rate. Or if the pc still lives, it may be in
> the autoexec.bat.  Somewhere in this midden heap, I've a book on the
> older serial ports. No idea if it might be helpfull, but I'd be curious
> to see how they shoved all the data it takes to run 3 motors and a
> spindle thru what might be a 9600 baud serial port.  And I can't find it
> in this room, which means its in the basement, and it was mix-mastered
> by contractors from Basement Systems last spring as the dug a ditch for
> drainage and routed it to a sump for automatic pumping out.. And because
> they needed access to all the walls, everything is piled 6 feet deep in
> the middle. And no one knows which box contains what.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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