It might be because Helvetica is a long since gone font that I doubt is
installed on your system. I have worked with another open source
software project that has a bunch of legacy helvetica font selection
hard coded into the C++. Boy that's a pain.

Just pick a different font that you know is installed and see if that helps.

On 03/02/2017 04:26 AM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings all;
> For some reason I cannot grok, I must comment out the two lines isolated 
> with xml comment strings in this xml code:
> <!-- start of jog size per click display -->
>   <hbox>
>     <vbox>
>       <label>
>         <text>"X-Jog size"</text>
>         <!-- <font>("Helvetica",12</font> -->
>       </label>
>       <number>
>         <relief>"raised"</relief>
>         <bd>2</bd>
>         <padx>23</padx>
>         <halpin>"X-Jog"</halpin>
>         <font>("Helvetica",18)</font>
>         <format>".4f"</format>
>       </number>
>     </vbox>
>     <vbox>
>       <label>
>       <text>"Z-Jog size"</text>
>         <!--<font>("Helvetica",12)</font>-->
>       </label>
>       <number>
>         <relief>"raised"</relief>
>         <bd>2</bd>
>         <padx>23</padx>
>         <halpin>"Z-Jog"</halpin>
>         <font>("Helvetica",18)</font>
>         <format>".4f"</format>
>       </number>
>     </vbox>
>   </hbox>
> Its a text holder box, why can't I specify the font.  Without it, I think 
> its using some other stick font at about size 10.  That exact same 
> syntax works in the "number" box. Why not in a label box?
> Thanks all. I'm going back to bed, need some zz's.
> Cheers, Gene Heskett

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