
I have a question about the behaviour of the halui bit pins and would
like to confirm that I understand the code correctly. I could not answer
my question from the halui documentation.

Do these pins activate on both a rising and a falling edge ?

It like to use the input pin halui.program.pause to pause a running
program if I get a signal that might indicate that the material sheet
*might* have moved and the operator needs to check.

Having a cursory look at the linuxcnc source code I suspect the halui
pins come from linuxcnc-dev/src/emc/usr_intf/halui.cc

And in halui.cc these line (with lines numbers):

   1114 static int sendProgramPause()
   1115 {
   1116     EMC_TASK_PLAN_PAUSE emc_task_plan_pause_msg;
   1118     return emcCommandSend(emc_task_plan_pause_msg);


   1544 static int check_bit_changed(bool halpin, bool &newpin)
   1545 {
   1546     if (halpin != newpin) {
   1547         newpin = halpin;
   1548         return halpin;
   1549     }
   1550     return 0;
   1551 }


   1654     if (check_bit_changed(new_halui_data.program_pause,
old_halui_data.program_pause) != 0)
   1655         sendProgramPause();

That line 1654 looks to me as if both edges would trigger the msg
emc_task_plan_pause_msg to be send.

Is that correct ?

Thank you

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