On 05/09/17 02:41, Tim wrote:
> Tom just download everything from links I gave they are direct 
> download links that do work
> Here are the directions again I added a step that I forgot about 
> deleting Emlid reoository
> it is not needed and just gives a error during update. This is a 
> headless image you will be
> adding the desktop yourself just follow the directions.
> # Download, extract then install Emlid image to sdcard download at
> https://files.emlid.com/images/emlid-raspbian-20160718.img.xz
> # On Linux computer download Etcher to write image to sdcard at
> https://etcher.io/
> Download, extract and run Etcher with administrator rights
> Select the archive file with image and sd card drive letter.
> Click “Flash!”. The process may take a few minutes.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # RT-PREEMPT realtime kernel
> # Download kernel image
> http://download.frank-durr.de/kernel-4.4.9-rt17.tgz
> # Extract files
> # Start your file manager from terminal with root privileges, my file 
> manager is thunar so I use:
> # sudo thunar
> # Copy extracted files inside boot directory, to boot directory on 
> sdcard choose to overwrite files
> # Copy extracted file lib, to root of other partition on sdcard choose 
> to overwrite files
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Install Sdcard into PI
> user = pi
> password = raspberry
> # Connect to wired network
> # Or shh from another computers Ethernet connection
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # See posts at this site about rt patched kernel on pi2 & 3 freezing 
> during wifi use
> https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=159170
> # Need to add to end of cmdline.txt
> sudo nano /boot/cmdline.txt
> #Add the following
> dwc_otg.fiq_fsm_enable=0 dwc_otg.fiq_enable=0 dwc_otg.nak_holdoff=0
> sudo reboot -n
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Update to correct keyboard layout
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> # Generate locales
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
>             #add correct language
>                 en_US.UTF-8
> locale -a
>     #To check locale
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #Update Time Zone
> sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Remove emlid repository
> sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/emlid.list
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> sudo raspi-config
> #NOTE: do not Overclock
>                 1 Expand File system
>                   when finished choose to reboot
> If you need other things enabled such as SPI or C12 ect. it can be 
> done here
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> # RPI 2 or 3
> sudo apt-get install -y mate-core mate-desktop-environment xorg lightdm
> sudo apt-get install -y network-manager-gnome synaptic iceweasel xterm
> # RPI 3
> sudo apt-get install -y pi-bluetooth
> sudo apt-get install -y bluetooth bluez blueman
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> #Setup network manager
> sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
>             #Comment out
>                 #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
>                 #iface default inet dhcp
>                 #iface wlan1 inet dhcp
>                 #iface eth0 inet manual
> # Use control key and x to save and save to default
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #Update rpi firmware without over writing rt kernel
> sudo apt-get install rpi-update
> sudo SKIP_KERNEL=1 rpi-update
> sudo reboot -n
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #Install Linuxcnc
> On RPI goto web page
> http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/
> Follow directions to install 2.7 or Master, Jessie (uspace: realtime 
> with RT-Preempt, and simulation), armhf
> # first add repository key, open Mate Terminal look for it in system 
> tools menu item, you can copy and paste from web site page:
> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-key E0EE663E
> # Start text editor Pluma with root privliges like this:
> sudo pluma /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linuxcnc-buildbot.list
> #Add the following to file for 2.7 then save:
> deb     http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ jessie 2.7-sim
> deb-src http://buildbot.linuxcnc.org/ jessie 2.7-sim
> # Now update the system:
> sudo apt-get update
> # Now start Synaptic which will only start from terminal
> sudo synaptic
> # Type in search box linuxcnc find the following, then click and mark 
> for installation then apply;
> linuxcnc-uspace
> linuxcnc-doc-en
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #To make image backup of sdcard on a linux computer I think this works 
> on MAC also
> # First use Gparted to shrink second partition
> sudo fdisk -u -l   <----use to find where sdcard is mounted run 
> without card, then with card
> sudo fdisk -u -l /dev/mmcblk0 <----name of sdcard in my computer yours 
> maybe different
> sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/SDCardBackup.img count=9023487 <---- # = 
> END of sectors on second partition, yours will be different
> # Remember to exspand file system with raspi-config when rewiting to a 
> new sdcard
> Have fun
> Tim March
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Check out the vibrant tech community on one of the world's most
> engaging tech sites, Slashdot.org! http://sdm.link/slashdot
> _______________________________________________
> Emc-users mailing list
> Emc-users@lists.sourceforge.net
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Tim hello

I am trying to follow the instructions

i got the images and etcher and an orangepiplus2e ( not an rpi, sorry )

i know that the frank-durr.de kernel-4.4.9-rt17.tgz wont work ( opi vs rpi )

but i thought that i could boot the emlid raspian ( i have had armbian 
on the opi+2e  already )

the instructions for the /boot and /lib dirs contained in 
kernel-4.4.9-rt17.tgz are a bit confusing..

# Copy extracted files inside boot directory, to boot directory on 
sdcard choose to overwrite files
# Copy extracted file lib, to root of other partition on sdcard choose 
to overwrite files

the sd card at this point has 2 partitions, (correct?)

one called boot, other called (a very long hash name )

so i read the 1st line

# Copy extracted files inside boot directory, to boot directory on 
sdcard choose to overwrite files

to mean:

copy the tgz's /boot dir  to the sd card partition /boot OR to the (long 
hash) partition/boot?

since you said to 'overwrite' and one of the 2 choices was empty, it 
must be (heh) the populated one

i had no success, nothing to see on the monitor besides a change from 
black to grey

i swapped back to my armbian jessie 3.50 for opi+2e and all is working well

i just didnt follow your instructions due to not having rpi

i did not try a serial terminal  either

i might buy an rpi 3B and try,

i was surprised to see them on the shelf at a local electronics shop 
here in chiangmai thailand

i will report back if i try the rpi3b


tomp tjtr33

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