On Monday 29 May 2017 01:04:09 Bertho Stultiens wrote:

> On 05/28/2017 10:32 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > pi@pionsheldon:~ $ linuxcnc -l
> > LINUXCNC - 2.8.0-pre1-2771-gdc2ff49
> > Machine configuration directory
> > is '/home/pi/linuxcnc/configs/sheldon-lathe'
> > Machine configuration file is '7i90-axis.ini'
> > Starting LinuxCNC...
> > Found file(REL): ./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal
> > Note: Using POSIX realtime
> > hm2: loading Mesa HostMot2 driver version 0.15
> > HAL_hm2_rpspi: ERROR: Unsupported Platform, only Raspberry1/2/3
> > supported...
> > rtapi_app: caught signal 11 - dumping core
> > ./hm2-7i90-stepper.hal:32: waitpid failed /usr/bin/rtapi_app
> > hm2_rpspi
> [snip]
> > That faint scratching sound?  Me, scratching head. :)
> >
> > However, if it makes any diff, this is linuxcnc-uspace I am trying
> > to run. And with the buildbot down, I've no access to the rt
> > version. :(
> I guess there are some hard dependencies failing.
> I'll build a clean SD card with all on it once I get it all debugged,
> and hopefully fixed.

One comment, this one is failing with the newest kernel, 4.9.30-rt20-v7+.

The other pi, which works with the scope probe on the pi side of the 
spiclk, is running 4.4.9-rt17-v7+, so I am going to brute force that 
back in with a root session of mc. I'll bet it at least works long 
enough to identify the spiclk on the scope as I know it will actually 
run when I hit the right pin on the back of the pi.

A session of rsync finished making the backup to rotating media once I 
started hitting it with an air hose every couple minutes.  Theres plenty 
of room under it for the fan.

Now, a fat32 file system (/boot) has no concept of making a file 
immutable that I know of, so how can I protect the kernel.img and 
kernel7.img's from being replaced by non-realtime crap from raspian?  
Likewise the overlays directory.  Even linux style permissions don't 
translate that I know of or I'd make it all read-only.  And it appears I 
have done that, with no clue how to undo it, so I brought the card in 
here where I could mount the partition individually, then I over-wrote 
everything that was in the tarball of 4.4.9-rt17-v7+ that I had. Taking 
it back out, it booted right up to 4.4.9-rt17-v7+, and linuxcnc got as 
far as getting the wrong name from the card, then backed out and quit 
gracefully.  So its something in the rpi3-kernel-4.9.30-rt20-v7+.tar.gz 
thats aglay.

Now, following along in man apt_preferences, I've written a pin file and 
placed it in /etc/apt/preferences.d as "kernel.list" that reads like 

Package: linux-kernel
Pin: version 4.4.9-rt17-v7+
Pin-Priority: 1001

Package: linux-headers
Pin: version 4.4.9-rt17-v7+
Pin-Priority: 1001

Maybe dpkg will obey? Apt and apt-get should.

Now, to go and see if this single 15 or 17 pf cap I've got will fix it 
when pasted on the back of the pi.  But first:

And I am building legs for a new fan stolen from an nvidia video card 
repair kit, to hold it under the pi, blowing on the heat sinks.  That 
should extend the uptime when it gets busy. Runs nice and quiet on 5 
volts despite the 12 volt label on it.

It would be nice if all these detours didn't get in the way. :)

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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