On 06/12/2017 09:30 PM, Nicklas Karlsson wrote:
>> Lets just say that we're not that far yet...
>> From what I can tell, the initial start of linuxcnc results in a few
>> missed deadlines in the main task. But once all code is cached, it seems
>> to be fast enough. But time will tell.
> I also one missed dead line during the initial start. I have nothing
> to compare against so I can't tell if this is the same for everyone
> else?

I just installed an MK kernel(*):
Linux picnc 4.4.4-rt9-v7+ #7 SMP PREEMPT RT Mon Mar 7 14:53:11 UTC 2016
armv7l GNU/Linux

It still results in some initial missed deadlines. However, as before,
once the system is running it is stable. It also seems that this kernel
is actually usable.

I was able to drag the lcnc window over the screen with the preview tab
visible and there were no additional missed deadlines. So, it seems that
we are getting closer.

(*) There are some hacks to get this kernel installed. The documentation
at states that you need an updated bootloader, which, of course, I
promptly ignored. Then you need to reorganize the /boot content a bit to
get the kernel running. The old bootloader has apparently some fixed
paths which it uses (like kernel7.img and overlays/).

Greetings Bertho

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