Gene, it was an inference I knew you would get, all those years working the
dairy farm in upstate, I only cook with the real thing.
Having lost my grandma,mom and my brother now type 2 I strive really hard
to keep lean and sugar low. I gave up sodas, heavy drinking, breads and
anything else with unnatural sugars in it. At 42, 6'1 and 175 I hope it
helps. I think my heart will wipe me out first, 1 open heart surgery
already logged. Heart is great it's the arteries and aortic aneurysm I fear
will cause the long , unexpected and hopefully painless sleep.

Chris , oddly enough I didn't even check digikey, I just let the eBay rip.
I'm getting consternated on this subject. I keep promising photos but in
keeping up with the shop traffic and the 86 Chevy restoration and funding
all of these neat things I haven't yet found the time. Alas the damage is
done. These capacitors are screw mount so if I get the time between backhoe
hose and 460 engine removal tomorrow I will post some pics . I am striving
for a top performing machine and things keep working out do that should
well happen.
TTYL thanks guys.
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