A trend I have been noticing in the DIY solar crowd is to salvage the batteries 
from wrecked Tesla or Mercedes Hybrids.
The Batteries are series wired for output in the 400VDC range but can be 
rewired in parallel for a 50-60VDC output.
Just need to be sure the charge controller has a custom or Li-po setting.
I hope to rig up a 6Kw bank here at the ranch so it can handle the Inrush 
starting demands of my deep well pump.
If I can off load the spare refrigerator, freezer chest and well pump that will 
be about half my domestic electric cost. With luck I can eventually get the 
whole house on solar + wind power.

The shop will always have to be on the grid, the big CNC's have 26Kw or higher 
startup loads. If the house is off grid then my electric bill will be a 100% 
business expense.

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