I had a similar problem, coughing away as soon as I had worked on my PC for some time. Moving my laser printers to the adjacent room solved the problem. Besides, getting up and moving a few steps now and then in order to fetch papers from the printer next room helped my back pains, too.

Am 25.03.2019 um 20:47 schrieb Marshland Engineering:
Just spent 2-3 years wondering why I kept getting sick so often and sometimes
coughing for 3-4 hours a day. (I'm a non smoker and otherwise healthy) I spent
most of the weekend machining aly blocks with coolant splashing all over the
place on a knee mill and on Sunday night felt really sick. Finally the penny
dropped, it is the coolant in the air I was breathing in that was the cause.
The realization only came as I was doing 2 x 8 hour days machining which
exacerbated the problem.

I was booked in to see a immunologist next week for the coughing but I think I
found the source of the problem. There could be 2 issues, the composition of
the soluble oil or bacteria growth in the sump. The sump is a separate 60
litre tank and is clean but I'm getting a bacteria test done on it now.

This the reading that struck a cord. See here


Look at Respiratory Diseases.

I may not be the only one this has happened to.

Cheers Wallace.

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