THose add-on boards look good for small motors.  I just downloaded the user

But for a machine tool, even a mini-size one you might want more power.
 Stepper-online has that for about $125 per axis.

About adding an index,  why swap ou the encoder?  just add a magnetic or
optical pickup someplace.

A larger closed loop motor is going on my mill's vertical axis bacuse it
needs to hold a static load.   The closed system uses much less power for
static loads than do open loop systems.

Those add on boards might work on small robot arm I want to build.

On Fri, May 17, 2019 at 1:44 PM Greg Bentzinger via Emc-users <> wrote:

> {Greg}
> There are options to converting existing steppers to closed loop feed back.
> The LCNC software/hardware option would be to add an encoder and run the
> stepper in velocity mode. This does not offer the many advantages of the
> direct feedback drivers.
> Then for small steppers there is the Mechaduino bolt on option. Buy direct
> from
> The latest firmware release was 26 November 2018 so this is not a dead
> item.
> If someone were to build on this open source project and produce a unit
> with a 50VDC / 6A working power capacity it could cover most steppers.
> IIRC Gecko drive was once working on this idea and had it working, I think
> maybe it was not released because it was not economical and would not match
> performance of matched motor drive combos, but that is just my speculation.
> I would like to get one of the matched motor/driver units and see if the
> encoder could be replaced with a unit which included a index channel.
> {/Greg}
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Redondo Beach, California

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