On 6/10/19 11:36 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:
No.  Path Pilot is not LinuxCNC. and not covered by GPL.   Path Pilot
is a Linux application that creates G-code that is then sent to

Only if PP was a modified version of LinuxCNC then it would be GPL's
but it is not, they are two different bits of software that run on the
same machine.  Yes, they are distributed together and run at the same
time but they are not linked into one executable file.

Last time i checked (which was in 2015 some time I think) PathPilot was a modified version of LinuxCNC which included a new GUI, using the standard LinuxCNC UI libraries to interface with the rest of LinuxCNC.

As such both parts (the modified motion controller and the new GUI) are what the Free Software Foundation calls "derivative work", and both are covered by the GPL.

I believe Tormach agrees with this assessment, and they have send their source code to me and to other LinuxCNC developers.

Sebastian Kuzminsky

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