On 9/21/19 8:30 PM, John Dammeyer wrote:
Hi Andy,

Very cool.  Thanks for the info.  Any particular brand or do you just buy bulk 
from China?

endmill for most of the cuts. We just can't push the 1/8" ones very
hard. Higher quality endmills might help too, but each year we have new
students and numerous broken endmils :) That comes with the territory.
It's not only students who break 1/8" end mills...


We have used HQ Master in the past. They seemed OK.

I just ordered these from China. I wanted a short flute length for cutting aluminum sheet.


Most of the time 1/8" is the smallest we need. Order some 2mm just in case. These get stashed away so the students don't inadvertently cut the part the wrong size.


Got these for thicker material. Mainly acrylic and HDPE sheet.


I've been the killer of many a end mill. I've kicked myself as I watch a brand new end mill plunge at too high a feed rate and shatter. Name a mistake and I've probably made it. The only time I get frustrated with the students is when they brake one (or more) and don't tell a mentor about it. We loose the chance to talk through the mistake.

The end mill are a not that expensive. That is, until its just before a competition and you run out!



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