I think with Machinekit they seem to be trying to add too much too soon.

From my Boof Head point of view, too many Bells & Whistles to keep the
"Maker Community" interested and the basics have seemed to be neglected.
TBH I could also be wrong on this point.

In saying that I did use Machinekit & a BeagleBone Black with a custom
cape. Tho I did jump to Linuxcnc with a couple Mesa boards as I found
LCNC Community support to be light years ahead of Machinekit.

The Machinekit google seems to be active, but no where near as active as
the various LCNC support channels.

Machinekit has done some very nice things. Where they fall down is
they seem to have no stable release model. It seems that anybody can
change anything and there is no fallback to a stable release.

I tried to build Machinekit for the RockPro64 and I ran into changes
several months old that had broken the system but were undiscovered.
The “developers” were running on their own systems that compiled and
ran without testing the current branch. But, there was no way I could
find for someone else to check out a system that compiled and ran.

Eventually I was able to fix the problems and compile, but, it left
me wondering about the whole system.

Yes, Machinekit seems to have collapsed.  There is a fully workable
version from 2-3 years ago, but I can't tell that
there is still any work being done on it.  Which is too bad.  On the
other hand, I think there is a distro for running
LinuxCNC on the Beagle Bone, and maybe that is the best way forward.


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