On 05/02/2020 11:05 PM, andrew beck wrote:
Hey guys.  I have a bit of a strange issue here.

I just put a new touch screen monitor on my cnc today.  I have not changed
any ini file stuff or hal files.  Just the monitor

before the change everything worked fine and I could see the actual machine
extends on the screen which was quite nice to know where the machine is
relative to home switches etc.  I have been running jobs all week. and
everything has been fine.

Now with the new monitor for some reason the extends don't show on the
screen.  everything else works perfectly.

The extents of the toolpath show in red. Have you checked that all the colors are working properly on the new monitor? I don't remember MACHINE extents being shown, but I am still on a fairly old version, here. But, it seems machine extents can't be shown relative to the toolpath until the machine is homed and the axes have been touched off or have the offset set.


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