On Saturday 16 May 2020 07:51:52 Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:

> On Fri, 2020-05-15 at 13:40 -0500, Bari wrote:
> > On 5/15/20 1:02 PM, Valerio Bellizzomi wrote:
> > > I am using 2.8 amd64, I will the instructions tomorrow and post
> > > the result.
> > >
> > > Thanks.
> >
> > Support for QTPYVCP is really great on IRC freenode  #hazzy
> Launching pyvcp shows error: option -i not recognized
> hm2_5i25.0: initialized AnyIO board at 0000:03:00.0
> Found file(REL): ./custom.hal
> Starting TASK program: milltask
> Starting DISPLAY program: pyvcp
> option -i not recognized
> Usage: pyvcp [-g WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFFSET+YOFFSET][-c hal_component_name]
> myfile.xml
> If the component name is not specified, the basename of the xml file
> is used.
> -g options are in pixel units, XOFFSET/YOFFSET is referenced from top
> left of screen
> use -g WIDTHxHEIGHT for just setting size or -g +XOFFSET+YOFFSET for
> just position
> Shutting down and cleaning up LinuxCNC...
> Running HAL shutdown script
Letting my imagination out to play w/o a chaperon would seem to indicate 
that that useage could generate a 2nd pyvcp window to the right of the 
default one.  That would certainly alleviate my bitches about screen 
real estate wastage by the various buttons etc.  Like a button 3x taller 
than the text inside it. Huge waste of real estate IMO.

I assume hal_component_name would be how its buttons and pins would be 

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